
Showing posts from September, 2014

It's all about perspective

Every day I am  surprised or caught off guard by things I never thought about because it's the "norm" in America. I may be in a situation where how I react or respond to something seems strange or even inappropriate to everyone around me, while at the same time the reactions of others seem "weird" to me. So basically, a day in the life of a PCV in Rwanda!  A few weeks ago I was chatting with some of the women at the health center who come in for their babies weight checkups and they started asking me a bit about America. This one woman asked me if American mothers carry their babies on their back. I told her that in general they didn't, they used strollers. Because strollers are unheard of here (maybe in the city but definitely not in the villages) I showed them a photo of it on my phone. The women proceeded to say the kinyarwandan equivalent  of  "Omg!"and laugh at the photos of babies in strollers. It was interesting to see their reactions and ex