
Showing posts from September, 2015

Senegal, Home, What's Next?

Senegal Last week I returned from a two week trip to Senegal, where I attended the Stomp Out Malaria boot camp with a staff member and fellow volunteer. I had been looking forward to going to this training for awhile and was very thankful for the opportunity to do so. This training brought together volunteers and staff members from 16 countries in Africa who are involved in malaria work. We were able to receive technical training relating to malaria in more detail than I could ever imagine! There were a variety of guest speakers from different organizations that talked about their role in malaria work. One of these organizations, CommCare, is currently working in 4 districts in Rwanda to roll out a health surveying app with the IRS (Indoor Residual Spraying) team/ community health workers, and it turns out that my sector is one of the target areas for this program! In addition to full days of malaria related lessons, activities, and delicious food, many other volunteers and