
Showing posts from February, 2015

Black Americanah in Rwanda

I was inspired to write this post (well, series of ramblings) from an article I read today called  Blackness in the Peace Corps   and from the Peace Corps Black History Month initiative to hear and share the stories and experiences of PCVs around the world. In many of my previous blog posts I've mentioned in some way or another  how being a black PCV in Africa differs from the experiences of people of other races on the continent. That revelation really isn't too surprising. Oftentimes ones race influences ones experiences, with both similarities and differences encompassing them. For me, fully explaining my identity as Black/ African/ British/ American requires a long explanation of my family's heritage. If you know me personally, you've probably heard this lengthy explanation to some extent. Yes I'm American, I lived there for 18 of my 23 years of life.  But I was born in Wales, and have British citizenship. Ah yes, I'm African too. My Mom was born and