
Showing posts from April, 2017

Decoding the question 'Where are you from?'

Where are you from? I've previously written about my difficulty answering this question ( Always Do What You're Afraid To Do &   Black Americanah in Rwanda ), which has personally helped me better able to 'answer' this question and be comfortable with how I describe my identity not only for myself, but to others. I've learned that this is probably a subject I will continue to reflect on throughout my life. This is a subject that is constantly on my mind. I (and probably everyone) constantly find myself  in conversations, meetings, interviews, and any social interactions where I'm asked this question.  Depending on how one interprets this question, one could answer with:   -Where you were born -Where you spent the majority of your childhood -Where your family roots are -Where you consider home that goes beyond places that result from birth or time in a place, and instead is focused on the emotional connection For me, none